Before Christmas, my middle one started archery lessons. I took him to the range and met his instructor. Well, the next thing I knew I was loading up a bow and firing away at a target. You see, I walked in thinking I would take off and do some errands and then pick him up and go home. "C'mon," the instructor said, " you do it along with him." I think it was so I would know some of the at-home exercises he should do. But, before I knew it, I was taking classes with my middle child. And guess what? As my youngest would say, "I luuuuuuuuve it!"
My son's first bulls-eye!
Today's lesson was excellent. I was taught a more advanced bow grip and it works great for me--much better than the beginner's. I'm not an advanced archer, not by any stretch of the imagination. It's just for a switch, as the instructor said. I got over the "target panic" I was experiencing last week. That is when an archer is afraid of getting hurt again by the bow. I was hurt in my lesson before and I got the 2nd worst bruise I ever had. But, today I didn't give it a thought. I also got a real feel for where my anchor is. That is where your finger touches your face as you are pulling back the bowstring. There was also a mind opening discussion with our instructor about hunting. I'm not sure if I would say I had an epiphany, but it truly got me thinking. All in all, a great lesson for me. My boy did pretty well, too.
Today's haiku is about archery, which I didn't plan on taking on, but am sure glad I did!
Check stance, load the bow.
String pulled back, eyes on target.
Release. Bam! Miss? Hit!