Sunday, March 3, 2013

Haiku about My Birthday

(This was meant to be posted March 2, 2013).

It's my birthday. Waking up early, I had one of the best gifts waiting for me. Mother Nature gave me a bright, sunny day, with a gorgeous blue sky. Just what I wanted, but didn't realize it until I saw it. Next, I received another little present. My family was kind enough to sleep in, so I had about three hours of solitude and silence to do as I pleased. Losing myself in computerland was first. Next, I caught two episodes of a favorite show. And finally, I took a long, hot shower. My lovelies stirred and woke up one by one.

I announced I was off to the store,shopping for myself by myself. Before the store, I visited with my mother. We chatted for about half an hour and she hugged and kissed me and doted on me by making me coffee and offering me something to eat. And of course, she had to tell me the annual story of the extra-ordinary numbers of hours of excruciating labor my birth had caused her. You see, as she puts it, I "wanted to stay in and didn't want to come out." After that, I went to the store. Just a handful of little things were on my list, so I mostly "window shopped." It was nice to go and not rush. I ran into three of my favorite male people, my brother-in-law and two of my nephews. More birthday wishes and two and a half hours later, I return home happy. Talked with my family about my excursion and handed out a little birthday candy and new hoodies I bought them. I got some hugs, and they showed me the birthday cake they made me (chocolate, white frosting).
After relaxing a little it was out to dinner. The children were splendid in the restaurant, like always, and we had a very nice conversation. Subjects ranged from a Pokemon video game, to how cool it would be to have the grinder type of salt and pepper shakers at home, to how gross an olive burger sounds and the kids can't believe their aunt would eat one. Home again after  a fast trip to the video store, present opened (very nice), and it was decided the cake would hold off until tomorrow. 

Youngest went to bed after a nice warm shower, looking a tad bit suspicious. I think she had a fleeting vision of the rest of us devouring the birthday cake without her. (No chance, kid). The males and I sat around at our electronics for a while. I read them some of my haiku postings, and they shared their virtual adventures. Later, I watched a movie with my beloved, while the boys watched one upstairs. And my day is just about done--a great day and one of the best birthdays in a long time.
Artwork by my daughter
Today's haiku is about my birthday, a day full peace and family.

What a lovely day!
And mine to do as I wish.
My Happy Birthday.

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