Today is the first day in a week that I have felt like writing. My brain has been too busy processing some news I received last week to write. I've written over 60 posts, and there is a part of my life that is almost always there on my mind, and yet I've only mentioned it once here. And that was in my Haiku about a Last Visit post. It is a difficult one to write about because it is so emotional. It is my nephew's cancer. My brother-in-law writes about it a lot. He says it is therapeutic. It allows him to release some of those pent up feelings from time to time. One thing I have learned from creating these postings is that writing, indeed, can be therapeutic.

My nephew was diagnosed with neuroblastoma about two and a half years ago. He is six. Last week we found out the last treatment did not help the cancer. He has gone through all the treatments available to him save one. His cancer will be biopsied and studied, and we will find out if he is eligible for the study treatment in two weeks. We also found out that if the treatment is not available to him, or if he is too ill, or that it doesn't work, hospice will take over his care, and that his life will end in months or even weeks. It is an incredibly sad thing to hear. We have all known that this time would come eventually. It doesn't make a difference. Hope always reigns, of course. But....what can I say? It's been a long up and down ride of hope and disappointment for our family.
Today's haiku is a very hard one for me to write. It's a wish for my sister, who I love so much and who has this pain I wish I could remove with my words or deeds, but I can't--ever.
I wish to carry
Your bag of heartache awhile
To give you a rest.
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