(This was meant to be posted yesterday 3/1/13).
You know when you're busy, quietly working on something, and all of a sudden someone is right next to you, or perhaps someone silently walks in the room and says something, and you're so surprised you jump out of your skin? Perhaps you let out a little yelp? I remember a very good one my dad did to me. I was sitting at the table writing or something. And he was outside doing his thing with the yard. I don't remember any one else being around. Anyway, my dad must have sneaked up to the sliding glass door, which was open and right next to the table I was at. Of course, I didn't notice him, concentrating deeply on what I was doing. He saw his chance and he said in a loud, crisp voice, "Hi!" Oh! My reaction must have been priceless, because he was laughing about it hours later. Crazy dad. I love him.

Well, years later, that has become a fun thing to do at our house. I think it might be because I'm a little above average at being susceptible to the startle and my reaction is. . .I don't know. . . amusing? The other day I did one of my favorite tasks, grocery shopping...(see my haiku to the grocery store and you will realize I say that with the sincerest sarcasm). . .I was unloading the countless bags of food. No one else was up to help, or so I thought. (Insert sinister music here). I was looking down at the bags and choosing a good combination of heavy and light bags to carry into the house, kind of thinking that this would have been easier without all the snow I have to trudge through. When I straightened up, there standing next to me all of a sudden was my middle child looking at me with a grin. I saw his mouth opening as if speaking, but all I could hear was my uber-loud scream that resonated throughout the neighborhood, echoing up and down our block. He held my arm and said, "Oh, man, I'm sorry," and then he laughed. And I laughed. And I noticed he was barefoot and shirtless, in the snow. Crazy kid. I love him.
Here's a haiku about the startle that makes us jump and yelp, which is beginning to be a game at our house.
Sneak. Sneak. Shhh. "Hey, I--"
"Ahhhhh! You scared me!" Sweet success.
Where's my next victim?
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