(This was meant to be posted yesterday 2/27/13)
I've been wearing glasses since third grade. I remember going to the optometrist regularly. He was very nice, and I liked that he told me about the instruments he used and about how the eye worked. Throughout the years, my eyes worsened. I have extreme astigmatism and am virtually blind without them. I'm very grateful to live at this time in history. If I had been born a hundred years earlier, I would probably not be able to see well even with spectacles.

Last night I woke up around 4 o'clock. I could not find my glasses. For about 30 minutes I searched for those darn things. I could not see very well at all and Roel could not help very much. But, he did move the bed back so we could check if they fell between the wall and the head of the bed. No luck there. I have a pile of clothes next to the bed (yes, I can be a slob), and went through that to see if they fell on it. I picked up every piece of clothing and shook each out. No luck there either. We shook out the bed covers. Nothing. Roel searched around his side of the bed. Still no glasses. The thing that was so frustrating was that I was compelled to reach for my glasses every few minutes to look for my glasses! My eyes are so bad. It was very late and I was tired. I broke down a couple of times and started crying. My husband was so patient. We went through all the spots again and still didn't find the glasses. I was sweating so much that I said I stunk like our son when he didn't wear deodorant. I was miserable and I broke down again. I started being mad at myself and called myself stupid. And as I was about to start a full on pity party, I reached between the bed and a box and there they were hidden, laughing at me. "I found them," I said. "Good," said my beloved. And I went to take a shower
Tonight I write this haiku dedicated to my glasses, which have been a part of me since I was eight.
My frame and lenses
Perched upon my nose all day.
Lose them, I'm useless.
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