Sometimes I crack myself up. I can be totally in dimwitland and then wake up and find myself in laughable situations. I was doing some heavy duty grocery shopping years ago. I must have spent an hour filling up that cart. I got to my car and opened the trunk. When I reached down to grab the food, I said to myself "Something's not right." That's when I "woke up" and noticed the food was not in bags. I had pushed the cart right out the store, bypassing the checkout! I laughed all the way back in. Nobody noticed me leaving with the cart full of food, or returning with a cart full of food. How did I do that? I don't know, and I don't care.That was funny!

I always thought that was my best dimwit moment. Today I had an incident that came pretty close to beating it. I was with one of our boys, driving him to a friend's house and conversing pretty well. We stopped at a gas station. We bought a couple of drinks and he bought some candy. I paid for $30 worth of gas. On our way to his friend's house we continued our conversation, when I thought, "Let me see how far the gas gauge moved." I looked at the gauge, and thought "Something's not right." That's when I "woke up" and noticed the needle was still on the E. I had left the station without pumping! We hurried back and a man was looking at our pump with a confused look. I explained my situation to him and he said since I paid for his gas, he will pay for mine and gave me $30. (Very nice guy, and saw the humor in it all). How did I do that? I don't know and I don't care. And since it all turned out fine, I can say that was funny!
Today's haiku is in honor of all my humorous dimwit moments, and Lord knows there are a few.
Oops. Oh my goodness!
Better to laugh at myself
Than call myself names.
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