Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Haiku to Johnny Cash

I sold a book on Ebay a while back. It was the best sell I ever did. It was a first edition of I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash I bought at a garage sale about a year earlier for a quarter.  I threw it up on Ebay in the middle of all the hype of the movie with Joaquin Phoenix. I thought, "Let's see what happens." And lo and behold I sold it for almost $80! 

I like Johnny Cash, not because he gave me about a 300% profit on Ebay. I really like his music. I think it's real, heart-felt. I like his voice. His wife wrote Ring of Fire, about her attraction to him and it became one of his most popular songs. Folsom Prison Blues has one of the darkest lines ever. I Walk the Line is a true love song. He sang a song written by Shel Silverstein called A Boy Named Sue. And then there's the one that is probably my favorite Hurt, a cover of an industrial band's song. 

Today's haiku is to Johnny Cash, whose birthday is today.

Man in Black singing
Nine Inch Nails. You made me cry.
All that emotion.

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