I'm very familiar with names like Freddy Kruger, Leatherface, Michael Myer, Jason, Pinhead, Damien, Jigsaw and if I had time I could think of a few more. Yes, I am a horror genre fan. I love scary movies. Not only that I love scary books. In fact, my husband and I met on a Stephen King message board many years ago. And I like tv shows that can be scary, like the CSIs, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, and American Horror Story. I love, love, love it.

My husband is a big fan as well, and we are discovering that our middle kid is one as well. So, it wouldn't surprise anyone when I say that one thing that has been on our minds this weekend is the return of The Walking Dead. If you haven't heard of this show, well I guess you haven't read much of my facebook statuses. The Walking Dead is a show many may describe as gory with people-eating zombies, and zombie-killing heroes. But, The Walking Dead is not just about scary zombies. It is a story of a group of people trying to survive the zombie apocalypse--as a group and as individuals. It is a story about how a group and individuals change living in this world where you "fight the dead and fear the living." My husband, middle kid and I love the show. So, the three of us have been waiting for its return since December 2nd. We are very excited, to say the very least.
Today's haiku is dedicated to The Walking Dead, whose characters have become our friends, and we can't wait to pick up where their story left us.
Where can you find us
Tomorrow night at nine sharp?
Glued to our tv.
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