Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Haiku On a Sunny Winter Morning

My dad named the Michigan skies from November to March "dirty gym sock skies." Those dingy clouds overcasting the day took a toll on him. He suspected he had seasonal affect disorder (SAD), though he never sought treatment. From Thanksgiving on, his grumblings could be heard about the lack of sunshine and the blah feeling it brings to the day ahead. Along with the lack of green on the ground, the bareness of trees, and the chill that the season brings, he complained plenty when it came to dreary winter days.

I, too, feel the effect of those "dirty gym sock" skies when they present themselves one right after the other. I get gloomy. I should be honest and admit I become down-right depressed. I understand my dad's lamenting about the never ending absence of bright sunlight. Today, as I am sitting, and thinking, and reading the news, during this very quiet time in my home, sunlight fills the room. I can see how dirty the windows are and the dust and cat hair floating around in the air. I frown with the reminder that there's a whole lotta cleaning to be done in this room. Nevertheless, I close my eyes and take a hint from Katrina the cat, and, for a while, I bask in these rays of sun. I open my eyes to the beauty of the extremely blue sky. I am indeed grateful for this time I gave myself. It helps me. It raises my spirits. It gives me hope for the day. And I wonder, did my dad ever take time on these special winter days to do this? I hope he did; I just wish I could remember him raving at how wonderful it is.

So, I wrote this haiku to show my gratitude to the appearance of the sunshine and blue sky this morning. 

Mother Nature, Thanks!
I am loving this dose of
Solar medicine

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