So, Christmas is over. We get ready for the special day by buying gifts, baking goodies, getting together with family and friends, attending school pageants, doing some charity work. Very busy time. Recently I was reminded that time of year, the time we prepare for that special day, is actually called Advent. The Christmas season actually starts on Christmas Day and continues until January 7th, the day after Epiphany (the day marked for the Magi's visitation). There are indeed Twelve Days of Christmas. And in some traditions, people have special gifts on Christmas Day and on Epiphany and smaller gifts on the days between. Hence, the partridge, rings, pipers, swans, etc. of song. I kinda like that idea!

As I think about this Christmas season--of which we still have 3 days left--I think about next Christmas and perhaps starting a new tradition at our house, incorporating the original idea of the Christmas season. I find the tearing open of many gifts on that one morning rather...may I use the word "gluttonous"? But, that's 362 days from now. Today, Christmas is indeed over at the Garcia's house. Our decorations are telling me to put them away. They even feel they have overspent their stay.
Please, may I present my haiku, dedicated to the saddest victim of these days after Christmas:
Oh, poor Christmas Tree
You look kinda naked there
Standing with no gifts
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