Monday, January 21, 2013

Haiku to One of My "Quiet Places" (1)

One of the things that our experts remind me to do is to take time out for myself. They say to make sure to give myself breaks from the constant physical and emotional care of our children. I must take some time, everyday, to rest from my mom duties. Give your husband the reins, I was told. It took a while, but I've learned to do so. Sometimes I take a  drive, I belong to a book club, I hide out in our bedroom. However, there are times when I just want to go away for a bit longer. It's difficult--financially, strategically, even emotionally--to do so. My beloved and I haven't had a get-away together in a long time (and no, kids, driving him to work and back home without you in the car doesn't count as a get-away--although we do enjoy the time together).

There is one place that epitomizes a great trip for my beloved and me--just for us. This morning I put us there in my mind's eye, after a less than stellar morning with a stubborn somebody.  Belize seems like a fun place to visit. In the past few years, I have virtually visited Belize several times, thanks to a few key strokes and clicks of the mouse . It relaxes me, placing myself on an inner tube floating down Caves Branch River, taking us through a great cave system, which the Mayans considered sacred. My husband and I are not beach people, per se, but I think enjoying the beach at a bar, with a beverage in hand and toes in the sand, watching the sunset sounds wonderful. I would love to explore an ancient Mayan pyramid, perhaps the one with the view from the top that will give us a glimpse of Guatemala--I forget its name. There's more to do--perhaps a day cruise, nature hiking, beach town window shopping, listening to a Caribbean band while enjoying our meal. I'm silly. I will probably never make it there. But, I do appreciate that Belize is one of my "quiet places" that helps me find my calm.

So here's to my "quiet place," Belize, perhaps you would like to make it yours, too, from time to time.   

My mind's kind respite.
Letting the river take us.
Floating and floating.

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