Today is my dad's birthday. He would have been 73. What can I say about my dad? I could write about some fun birthday celebrations we had for him. There
weren't any; he didn't want the fuss, even a little tiny fuss. I could tell you he liked cruising the aisles of hardware stores. He always had some project he was working on, and he always invited us to accompany him to get supplies. I can write about his career as a teacher. His career started with teaching 2nd grade bilingual and ended teaching 8th grade Science, and he enjoyed it--most of that time, just not all that political stuff, and when things had to change too much. I can write about how at 18 he joined the military. He was eventually stationed in Panama, where he met my mom , and, well, as they say, the rest is history. I could talk about his great interest in science fiction. He and I went to the original Star War movies together, but his sci fi love was the original Star Trek series. I could tell you that he loved trees. We would take little rides in the car and he would point out a tree and say something like, "Look at the tree. Isn't that something? That's a great tree." And I'd look and see that it really was something. I can say that my dad was a very smart man. He built his own telescope, became a licensed pilot, and knew how to get your lawn the greenest possible with the use of dish detergent and a can of beer.

Oh, I could write a lot of things about my dad. There were a lot of neat things about him. And I miss him.
Today's haiku was not written today. It was written last year around this time. I shared it with others and I want to share it today. Happy Birthday to my dad, who I often wish were in my present.
How I miss your face
Looking at me, smile or scowl.
Photos just won't do.
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