About twenty years ago, for about a decade, the tv show X-files made my Friday nights. It is on my list of best tv shows ever, along with Twin Peaks, Northern Exposure and Homicide: Life on the Streets. Yeah, it was Friday night, and once in a while I had a Friday out. And because of such situations, I bought this handy-dandy contraption called a VCR. And I was set, never missed an episode. I loved X-files for a few reasons. First, it was filled with the paranormal--which I enjoy immensely. It had aliens, mutants, monsters, and lots of conspiracy to hide that such things exist. Second, it was clever. The story-telling writing had me hooked every week, with smart dialogue and surprising twists, and super cliff-hangers. And third, it gave me a female lead that I truly liked. Dana Scully was smart, pretty, independent, feisty, and capable. She could stand on her own and was not the token female sidekick. I wanted to be her.

Today, I was thinking of another show, that reminded me of X-files, which reminded me of this snippet of conversation during my book club meeting the other night. Which brings me to my last item on my list of what made X-files super. A tangent of our discussion lead to admissions to crushes on famous people. I admitted that I had a decade-long crush
on Fox Mulder. My crush was not David Duchovny, the actor who portrays
him. It was Fox Mulder, the fictional male lead. Besides being physically attractive, Fox Mulder is intelligent. He's funny, and he doesn't seem to know it, which makes him even more crush-worthy. Fox can be self-deprecating, yet he has confidence. He's driven, has a passion, a purpose. And of course, what always gets us, he was haunted by tragedy. He has a sadness around him. I really liked him. These days, my crush has dissipated. But, it's still fun to reminisce on an old crush, even though he was a figment of someone's imagination.
Today's haiku is to Fox Mulder, who makes me wonder if I was weird having had a crush on a fictional character. Nah, I can't be alone. I bet almost everyone had one. And I imagine some still do.
An hour a week
we shared, so I could escape
from my boring life
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