Haiku to My Bad Mood
I don't get into bad moods too often, but I'm in one. I'm not sure of its origin. No one did anything to me. Today was rather quiet. I'm looking forward to a relatively quiet tomorrow. The kids are all behaving. No melt downs, no snide remarks, no refusals, nothing negative to report. I'm simply cranky, grouchy, irritable. I'm in a heightened state of pisstivity. And again, no reason. It snuck up on me, stealthy like my son does when we play Halo. And, now here I am just a big ol' bottle of sunshine!
Just a few minutes ago, I looked up ways to alleviate the bad mood. But, instead I ran into a page that had the best bad mood quotes and quips. Here are a few of my favorites:
- I'm one of the bad things that happen to good people.
- How many times do I have to flush, for you to go away.
- Sometimes you can't tell if you're in a bad mood, or if everyone is being annoying.
- I think I have mood poisoning, it must be something I hate.
- Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.
- My inner child needs a timeout.
No, I didn't have a cup of tea, do a little yoga, sniff some lavender, or soak in the tub. No, nothing as wholesome as that. I just reveled with my fellow crabs in a sea of sarcasm and insults and bitterness. And guess what? I feel better!
Here's a little haiku to my bad mood, that visited with me for a few hours and is now in the process of putting on its jacket to leave.
For a while today
I enjoyed your company
Now, get the hell out.
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