Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Haiku for Daughter (1)

This morning our daughter is very much on my mind. She is, as many have told us, adorable--big brown eyes, sweet smile, lovely curly hair. She can be delightful, and, wow, is she bright. She loves learning about animals, looking at maps, collecting shiny, sparkly things, creating artwork, and reading anything she get her hands on. She can be fun.

She also has another side of her--very sad, almost tormented side. It expresses itself with trying behaviors for parents. Lately, my patience and calm is indeed being tested. It's exhausting me. However, today I'm digging deep inside of me and trying to find that bit of persistence and stamina to live by the commitment I made to her on her adoption day. She needs me. 

So, today my haiku is for that bundle of ups and downs who is still sleeping in her pink and purple bedroom.

Pained, heart-brokened girl

Wish you could be happier

I’ll try to do more

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Dawn, just Awesome!! That you are trying...that is what counts...that is what will be remembered...that's what will carry her up, remember is not an option.
    Love you very much!!! Aunt Lynda
