Frustration: a feeling of dissatisfaction, often accompanied by anxiety or depression, resulting from unfulfilled needs or unresolved problems. Frustration comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The frustration of not being able to give your child what he or she needs. The frustration of being in a hurry and hitting every red light. The frustration of not remembering the name of that actor that plays Sam in Lord of the Rings. The frustration of spending over an hour at the grocery store, loading and unloading, to find out you need to return for a thing you forgot. The frustration of having to tell your kid every night to throw out the trash, even though he knows it's his responsibility. The frustration of sitting down to watch the show you've been looking forward to, and then find out it was an hour earlier.

Today I had a situation that was so frustrating, I was in tears. I bought a contraption at Menards, put it together at home, and started using it. Then the handle came apart, and I could not put it back together. No matter what I did, I couldn't. It just wouldn't! I'm usually pretty good with these sort of thing, but this simple thing wasn't going to be nice. I felt like throwing it across the room. I felt like smashing it to smithereens. I felt like cussing bad, but I don't use the cuss word that I really wanted to say. I just sat and whined and then cried. After a few minutes, I sighed and said, "Okay, you win." Aaargh!
So, I wrote a new haiku to commemorate my not too stellar moment this afternoon.
To be read with clenched teeth.
What the..? What the heck?
Why? Why can't I. Just. Do. This?
This stupid piece of. . .